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Daily gratitudes:

  • Finding a pump for the hot tub
  • Hummingbird Mania
  • Cool afternoons
  • Sunflowers rising
  • Cat Tail Communication

Surf City, North Carolina

Quote of the day: “Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” — Desmond Tutu

Daily gratitudes:
Getting my ballot in the mail today
A little peace
Cozy blankets
Coyotes howling at night

Because it’s always important to know where your yaks are.

Denver, Colorado.

Quote of the day: “The creatures that inhabit this earth–be they human beings or animals–are here to contribute, each in its own particular way, to the beauty and prosperity of the world.” — Dalai Lama XIV

Daily gratitudes:
Shipping finished work
Near beer
A soft gray day

I do not really know how to tell the age of a seashell, and apparently Google doesn’t either. So I’ll just go with my own, more romantic, mermaidesque interpretation. Having gathered thousands of shells in my life, I know when one is recently vacated by its resident. It tends to look shiny, with sharp ridges and vibrant colors. Given that bit of wisdom, I can only imagine that this conch, with its wave-beaten sworls worn down to soft semblances of their former selves, has seen a century or so in the sea. Its shadow, however, somehow reflects its past glory, with edges seemingly still honed. The shadow of a memory, perhaps.

Worn By the Sea
Cozumel, Mexico.

Quote of the day: “I seek truth and beauty in the transparency of an autumn leaf, in the perfect form of a seashell on the beach, in the curve of a woman’s back, in the texture of an ancient tree trunk, but also in the elusive forms of reality.” == Isabel Allende

Daily gratitudes:
A crescent moon
The first hearing of the twee-woo bird, a sure sign of spring

A departure from the serious nature of recent posts. Not that the world and its events are any less serious, but I think that sharing beauty is a gentle reminder of love. And a little stillness in life is never a bad thing.

Orchid Still Life
Anna Maria Island, Florida.

Quote of the Day: “And when two people understand each other in their inmost hearts, their words are sweet and strong like the fragrance of orchids.” — I Ching

Daily gratitudes:
My Physical Therapist
The shop cat at The Happy Beast
Women with mermaid color hair
Inexplicable tears

This was one of those days. I’m sure you’ve had them. Those days when you get off the bus in the morning and the first thing you see is a pool of vomit. A bad omen for sure. A day when you realize that you’ve sprained your big toe sometime in the last few days and it hurts like crazy. When a car misses pedestrian you by inches in the parking lot because the driver is distracted – and then she swears at you. The kind of day when the spirits are spinning their dousing rods frenetically, blowing light bulbs and relighting bulbs they blew days ago. When I already have the blue meanies of depression from missing my daughter and my husband. A day topped off by the discovery of the season’s first skittery fat mouse, dashing out from under the bathtub across the bathroom floor. (I guess I’ll just have to go to the bathroom in the back yard.) Yes, today was the kind of day when I need one of these. And some vodka.

Anna Maria Island, Florida.

Quote of the day: “Don’t take life too seriously. Punch it in the face when it needs a good hit. Laugh at it.” — Colleen Hoover

Daily gratitudes:
Pigeons on a roofline
The exchange of sneeze and thank you on the bus
My reliable pendulum
Skyping with Kelsea and her friends last night
Agreeing to disagree and still loving each other

Today was one of those blue days when I just want to crawl into the spiral of a shell and stay there until my spirits lift. But that’s not the way life – or depression – works. On these days. sometimes, my mind wanders to things that made me bluer, and then I have to shift my perspective on those things to see the blessings inside them. They’re in there, just like a conch is nestled within the spirals of its shell.

Conched Out
Surf City, North Carolina.

Quote of the day: “For a moment the image before us is frozen: our world, our lives, reduced to a handful broken stars half lost in uncharted space.” — Annie Kaufman

Daily gratitudes:
That my mother used to let me eat frozen peas in the summer when it was hot. They were so good and sweet, one at a time.

That I could afford to pay Kelsea’s first quarter college tuition today

The “golden hours” even when I don’t have my camera

The art collages on my bedroom walls

Watching “Catfish” with Kelsea – it’s her favorite show

This seat is probably hot in many ways. a) It’s in Snead’s Ferry, right on the river,  b) It’s right outside the kitchen window of this restaurant, which means the heat from the kitchen is pouring out upon the sitter, and c) it’s pleather. in the sun. We’ve all been in the hot seat from time to time, and at least this one does occasionally have a cool breeze to stir the hot hair straggling on the back of your neck in the depths of July. Looks like that beer (and the rain puddles) might have helped cool the occupant off a bit too.

The Hot Seat
Sneads Ferry, North Carolina.

Quote of the day: “A man who goes into a restaurant and blatantly disrespects the servers shows a strong discontent with his own being. Deep down he knows that restaurant service is the closest thing he will ever experience to being served like a king.” — Kriss Jami

Daily gratitudes:
Feeling better
Ice water
A letter from LJRH
That I get to see my husband tomorrow
How lovely it is to say “husband”

I had no idea how many different kinds of starfish there were until I tried to identify this specific one. And each has its own palette and personality. I debated these are netted starfish, mostly because I love that name – it’s as if they were stars caught falling from heaven – or seestern starfish, which I believe it the accurate classification. But if they are any knowledgeable marine biologists out there who can confirm otherwise, please do so. To me, they are just beautiful. And tonight, MKL and I hope to catch a glimpse of our own falling stars, in the form of the tail-end of the Perseid meteor shower.

Surf City, North Carolina.

Quote of the day: “Look down and you may miss a shooting star in the sky. Look up and you may miss a starfish in the sand. But quick, look straight ahead and tell me what is that big, blurry thing that’s so bright? Oh yeah, that’s my love for you.” — Jarod Kintz

Daily gratitudes:
Seeing a big snake on my walk today
Going to the dog park without a dog to get my dog fix
Snuggly cat
Blue skies
Fresh peaches
How good life is

It has been a beautiful weekend for so many reasons, starting with this lovely peony that transformed itself as it bloomed. So much more to come!


Denver, Colorado.

Quote of the day: “I want to try with someone who loves me enough to try with me. I want to grow old looking at the same face every morning. I want to grow old looking at the same face every night at the dinner table. I want to be one of those old couples you see still holding hands and laughing after fifty years of marriage. That’s what I want. I want to be someone’s forever.” — Rachel Gibson

Daily gratitudes:
Road trips
Cottonwood Hot Springs

May 2024


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