I’m delighted to have been nominated for The Sunshine Award by fellow blogger Katherine Givens!  Katherine is an aspiring and inspiring writer – indeed, she IS a novelist!  Please check out her blog.

Here’s how The Sunshine Award works:


1. Copy and paste the award logo to your post. (Check!)

2. Answer the eight questions. (Check!)

3. Nominate 10 other people. (Check!)


1. What is your favorite Christmas/festive movie?

It’s A Wonderful Life with Jimmy Stewart.  I wish I could get someone to watch it with me!

2. What is your favorite flower?

That’s a tough one, because I love them all. But probably daisies.  I think it was Meg Ryan in “You’ve Got Mail” who said “I love daisies. They’re so friendly.”

3. What is your favorite non-alcoholic beverage?

San Pellegrino. Without question.

4. What is your passion?

Writing. Creating. Beaches. Was I supposed to name only one passion? Oops.

5. What is your favorite time of year?

Spring. When things have gotten warm and everything blooms and that green explodes in the trees.

6. What is your favorite part of the day?

Whenever I am with people I love.

7. What is your favorite physical activity?


8. What is your favorite vacation?

A beach. Tropical or not. But tropical is probably better.

Who I Nominate:

The Kitchens Garden – Checking in on Miss C and the farmy is the first thing I do on my phone in the morning. I’ve never had a more pleasant wake-up call, and she has inspired me to make my alarm sound like a crowing rooster. Although I must admit, that’s a little annoying.

Uprooted Magnolia – Leah is like me in some ways (and that’s not why I like her, but it does make me feel a certain kinship) as she is a photographer and a transplanted-to-the-West Southern girl.

A Winsome Journey – With my love of llamas and alpacas, how could I not love this blog from Misty Maple Farms?

365Sparkles – I have followed Cin and her photography across two countries now (yes, it’s true, Cin!) and her delight in the little things in her world always warms my heart.

Honest Toddler – Don’t drink anything while reading this, or you’ll spit whatever it is out laughing.  If you’ve ever had a toddler, you’ll recognize the voice. If you’ve yet to have a toddler, you’ll learn something.

Melissa Not Dusting – Melissa is a fabulous photographer – I get all envy-green-wistful when I look at her images.

Lust and Rum – Anton is a photographer who captures the grit of life in such a way as to make it beautiful – he has a skill I admire, but could not hope to achieve. And I adore the blog title.

Unlikely Explanations – Laura makes me giggle. And teaches me things. What could be better?

The White Buffalo Woman’s Blog – Amazing poetry – her words reflect both my pain and my healing.

The Water Witch’s Daughter – SuziCate is a lyrical writer and photographer who transports me back home and reminds me of the wonder and blessings of life.

Please take a few moments to visit these wonderful blogs, and have a lovely weekend.