Flu shots…do they really do any good, since there’s a new strain of flu every year?  (They sure make your arm hurt.) Are they really just another money-making scheme on the part of endlessly greedy pharmaceutical companies?  Conspiracy theorists want to know.


I miss the Weekly World News.  The best trash ever.  The website doesn’t live up to the print version.


It’s snowing.  No, not just snowing, rain-snowing.  Not enough for snow boots, but enough to soak through your shoes and make your socks wet for the rest of the day.  Pat goes to Florida tomorrow for his birthday vacation, where, he told me this morning, it’s 80 degrees and sunny.  Crap.  I will never see a beach again.  Everybody gets to see beaches but me.  I’m feeling sorry for myself.


Wish I’d taken that shot.

Pat and I were supposed to finish the papers on Monday night, but when I got there, my brother-in-law/sister were there, so we didn’t.  Besides, the Broncos were on.  So we are getting together to finish them at lunch today.  That should be good for the diet, huh?  My biggest issue is that I can’t wait, now that I’ve filed, and if I’m truthful (which I am) and put my current salary down, it paints a very different picture from the one we’ll be seeing at the end of next month, when I lose my job.  Conundrum.  Good word.  Pat says he’ll be reasonable, but I am leery of leaving anything to chance.  I’ll keep you posted.  At any rate, we’ll have to get them notarized on Tuesday after he gets back and before we go see the judge.  Cutting it rather fine, seeing as how we’ve had six weeks to do this.  I guess we’re now separated enough that this is a formality.  But I don’t think it’s going to feel like a formality next week.  Even though it’s what I want, it makes me unhappy and forlorn.

Why do things always seem to drip on me in the most noticeable and embarrassing places????

If you’ve followed this blog for any length of time, you’ll probably know that the final expression of my marital woes and the catalyst for me to exit a long-time relationship that wasn’t good for me, was an affair.  And you may notice that I haven’t written much about my love life in many months – because there was nothing to write about.  But I want to put the world on notice that I have hung the scarlet letter in the back of the closet – no, I’ll go one better, I’ve burned it in a bonfire in the yard under a full moon and danced around it.  I’ll write an actual tale of that later, but suffice it to say that I’m done with that stuff.  It’s actually possible I might have a date soon.  Go figure.


Geez, if one crummy weather day makes me this morose, what am I going to do when it’s REALLY winter?  (The answer is: run away.)

TODAY IS CAPS LOCK DAY.  It is also the birthday of Curly (of Three Stooges fame), Deepak Chopra, and Joan Fontaine.  They are showing “Suspicion” tonight on TCM – one of my favorite movies by Alfred Hitchcock, with Joan Fontaine and Cary Grant.  How can you not love Cary Grant?


More later…