Today is, most appropriately, International Moment of Frustration Scream Day, and I am at another breaking point.  How can one person have so many breaking points?  How broken can I be? I am just freaking myself out, that’s all.

Between hormones (mine and Kelsea), depression, cold air, grey skies, getting behind on everything at both works, and fearing for my future, I’ve had it.  Going to work this morning and not having my docking station work was bad enough.  Being told I have to call the Help Desk in frigging Costa Rica to get someone in my own building to come and help me was my last straw. In the meantime, I can’t get onto my own computer.  Screw it.  So I am working from home, trying not to finish the remnants of a bottle of rum, or blow a blood vessel in my brain.  I am actually tired of working from home after last week.

I am so sick of my life.  I am so sick of the emotional roller-coaster.  I am so uncomfortable with the un-knowing of the future. 

What am I going to do?  I wish there was somewhere, someone, I could turn to for help, advice, comfort. 

I am so very tired.  Scared.  Tired.  Broken.
