I usually only offer up one Randomness post per week, but I’m still sick, so sick my teeth hurt and I can’t think straight enough to come up with a thoughtful, coherent, philosophical or otherwise piece of writing.  So this is what you get.  If you don’t like it, you know what you can do.  (Sorry, but I’m taking sick license.)

Today is Bonza Bottler Day (www.bonzabottlerday.com).  Bonza Bottler Day occurs monthly, when the day is the same number as the month, and most importantly, its mascot is a dancing groundhog.  Don’t ask.




Today is also the anniversary of the deaths of Yul Brynner (who was incredibly sexy) and Orson Welles – both great actors died on this date in 1985. 

It is the birthday of Emily Dickinson, and here’s a lovely poem (of hers) to honor her:

I Started Early — Took My Dog

 I started Early – Took my Dog –
And visited the Sea –
The Mermaids in the Basement
Came out to look at me –

And Frigates – in the Upper Floor
Extended Hempen Hands –
Presuming Me to be a Mouse –
Aground – upon the Sands –

But no Man moved Me – till the Tide
Went past my simple Shoe –
And past my Apron – and my Belt
And past my Bodice – too –

And made as He would eat me up –
As wholly as a Dew
Upon a Dandelion’s Sleeve –
And then – I started – too –

And He – He followed – close behind –
I felt His Silver Heel
Upon my Ankle – Then my Shoes
Would overflow with Pearl –

Until We met the Solid Town –
No One He seemed to know
And bowing – with a Mighty look –
At me – The Sea withdrew –

It’s also the birthday of Benjamin West, late 18th century American painter who described his style as “epic representation”.  In examining his body of work, he does seem to follow that trend of painters during this era (of which I’ve always been fond) in which ethereal beings are incorporated into historical scenes.  This concept is well-represented in his painting of Ben Franklin discovering electricity (below):

And finally, it is Tuxedo Day and Fijian Independence Day, but I doubt Fijians are wearing tuxedos to celebrate.

Kelsea and I are spending this freezing cold, snowy Saturday watching TV, and she is making sure I take my medicine and will be cooking dinner tonight.

So far, we’ve encountered some truly, truly bizarre stuff on the Hispanic channels (i.e., a woman setting herself on fire and a man wrestling a horse).

We thoroughly enjoyed “Lock and Load”, with its host, the former military guy who is uber-macho.  When his rifle recoiled and hit him in the bridge of the nose, his response was “Eh, not the first time, won’t be the last.”  We appreciated that he addressed us all as “ladies” at the end of the show, even though we knew what he meant – we just felt he was speaking directly to us.  And we learned a lot about how to slice watermelons with sabres and the impact of minie balls vs. round lead balls.

I always like watching Mike Rowe on “Dirty Jobs” – he’s practical, slightly self-deprecating, and attractive (though I hate to think of the amount of bacteria he must accumulate every episode – he must need a ‘Silkwood’ shower every day) – and he used to be an opera singer!  It’s interesting to see what others do for a living.  It gives me hope that I can find another line of work.  Even if it’s disgusting.

I wonder how I could make a living being a storm chaser?  That’s something I’ve always wanted to do.

I’ve always been curious how much you would spend if you were to buy everything you saw advertised on infomercials AND the various home shopping channels in a 24-hour period.

Kelsea is off attempting to make cocoa from scratch for us…that’s my girl.

Courtesy of Cuteness Overload