Today is Cosmopolite’s Day, otherwise known as Shop ‘Til You Drop Day.  It is also Pumpkin Day (in France) and Tube Top Day.  So, for those of you who are so inclined, go ahead and shop your hearts out for pumpkins and tube tops – take a limo to get them!  Indulge yourselves!  Spend, spend, SPEND!  Go ahead and spend money you don’t have on things you don’t need – after all, who deserves it more than YOU?  (Did I mention it’s also Sarcastic Month?  No? Go figure…)

Well, it’s the first day of winter.  Isn’t it?  It sure feels like it.  It’s a day when you want to stay in bed and snuggle under the covers for the entire day and watch Elvis movies.  While I’m not an Elvis fan, he actually wasn’t a bad actor, and his charm comes shining through in some roles.  Did you know that his goal in life was to be an electrician and that he had a stillborn identical twin?


Anyway, it’s grey outside, windy, sleety.  I left some laundry to dry overnight on the little patio and it’s wetter than when I set it out yesterday afternoon.  I’m not ready yet!  I need more summer!  I’d even settle for more fall. 

Perhaps this is a day to cultivate my appreciation for the winter weather – which would turn this into a full-on gratitude essay, and probably be good for my soul.  Why I should be pleased about it when my hands are frozen and the sun is hidden.  (Did you notice how subtly I slipped in that whine?)  Let’s see… 


OK, I’m drawing a blank here…perhaps I should turn the heat up.

Steamboat Springs - July 2009 023