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Why is money so much more important than love?  Than honor?  Than self-respect?  (For some people, I should say.)


When you are scared, you think money will protect you.  When you are sad, you think money will cheer you up.  When you are hurt, you think money will make you feel better.  When you are angry, you think money will soothe you.  When you take money away from someone as a punishment, you think you will have justice.  And you’d damn well better try to take all the money while you can.  Heaven knows you wouldn’t want to have to raise a finger to earn it. 


OK, that’s the attitude of some people, not everyone.  But in a divorce, when someone’s back is (theoretically) against a wall, that’s when he or she shows his or her true colors.  No matter how many times one party may say they just want to be fair, and no matter how many years one party has spent trying to be (more than) fair to the other to give them a nice life, when faced with the loss of the breadwinner or cash cow, the inner weasel will out.  “I trusted you with my life, but I sure as hell don’t trust you to be fair in a divorce.”  What does that say about you, former partner?  That money, that lifestyle, that your own comfort, in the end, in the long run, is what is most important to YOU and what this marriage was about. 


Oh, I’m sure you loved me at one time.  And I’m sure you loved me to the best of your ability.  And I’m sure I now romanticize how great that love was.  But all that is water under the weasel bridge.  It’s all about the money now. 


What’s love got to do with it?

April 2009


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